
Hello Granny, I need money

Hello Granny, I need money

Elderly people are attractive to fraudsters. One method that has become popular among criminals is the “Grandchild trick fraud”, in which fraudsters pose as relatives of the victim, pretending to be in a desperate situation and in urgent need of money.

The project “Hello Granny, I need money” offers an innovative concept for crime prevention concerning trick fraud. It is an interactive stage play which offers an overview about prevalent techniques and shows up measures to protect oneself from becoming a potential victim. It also reduces the subjective fear towards tricksters and encourages to be more self-confident.

The audience is actively engaged in the performance. Randomly selected audience members take part in the performance as active participants while the actors improvise and react to the input by the audience spontaneously. The background of realistic cases helps to convey the urgency and the entertaining factor ensures a long-lasting impression.


The Project started in March 2012 and is still running.
Last review: December 2016.


Hello Granny, I need money      Hello Granny, I need money      Hello Granny, I need money    


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