
  • Reducing recidivism
    Our new toolbox (and upcoming webinar) focuses on programmes during and following incarceration, and identifies risks for re-offending and factors for a successful rehabilitation and desistance. 
  • Start of new project
    Over the next two years, we will focus on tackling organised crime through evidence-based crime prevention and the administrative approach by developing three comprehensive toolkits. Stay tuned for updates!
  • Polish Presidency
    Thank you to Hungary for your dedicated work over the past six months. We warmly welcome the Polish Presidency as our new Chair. In the coming months, we will focus on preventing trafficking in human beings.  Learn more  
  • European Crime Prevention Award 2024
    The theme was the prevention of reoffending, discover the winners: 1. Czech Republic: RUBIKON - 2. Finland: Revion - 3. Denmark: Primus Motor 

No matter the subject, the EUCPN is your first point of contact regarding crime prevention.


Latest updates

  • toolbox
    A toolbox is a prevention-oriented manual in which we examine the difficulties and attempts for preventing various types of crime
  • Our evidence-based strategy
    A set of minimum criteria for crime prevention interventions and training on evaluation
  • EUCPN mythbuster series
    These short papers focus on a common misconception in the crime prevention field

Upcoming events

  • EUCPN webinar: reducing recidivism

    EUCPN webinar: reducing recidivism

    A significant portion of all crime is committed by recidivists. Punishments, in particular prison sentences, are not always effective at preventing re-offending. This webinar and...
  • EUCPN webinar: work-related crime

    EUCPN webinar: work-related crime

    Work-related crime refers to all infractions of laws and regulations regarding salary and employment, benefits, taxes and duties. This includes labour exploitation, forced labour...

Find a document in Knowledge Center


In the spotlight

  • EUCPN/ENAA Mythbuster: Misconceptions about the administrative approach

    This mythbuster discusses two common challenges related to the (implementation of the) administrative approach.
  • EUCPN Mythbuster: Will innovation also lead to progress?

    This paper demonstrates how replication can be integrated with innovation and equally contribute to evidence-based crime prevention.
  • EUCPN Mythbuster: Are evaluations too challenging?

    This mythbuster examines common reasons why people remain hesitant in respect of evaluations. It discusses both myths and actual challenges faced by the prevention workforce when conducting evaluations.