
  • ECPA competition is open!
    To compete in the ECPA, each member state can submit one project on the prevention of reoffending. Send your entry to the EUCPN Secretariat via the National Representatives before 30 September 2024. Find out more on the ECPA on the website
  • Read the displacement mythbuster now in 20 languages!
    Our Mythbuster on crime displacement is now available on our website in more than 20 languages! Follow the link to find the paper in your national language. 
  • Practical templates
    You can now find practical templates on the website that help to design and execute your own evaluation. The templates focus on choosing objectives, creating a logic model and questions to ask during an outcome evaluation. They are free to download and use for your own projects! 
  • EUCPN newsletter
    Don't miss out! Stay updated by subscribing in the website's footer. Discover our newsletters

No matter the subject, the EUCPN is your first point of contact regarding crime prevention.


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Upcoming events

  • Evidence-Based Policing in Practice

    Evidence-Based Policing in Practice

    The Netherlands Study Center for Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) and the Society of Evidence-Based Policing Netherlands jointly organise the conference Evidence-Based Policing in...
  • week van de veiligheid

    Week van de veiligheid (safety Week) 2024

    Every year the Safety Week (week van de veiligheid) is organised in the Netherlands. This year's edition will focus on Aggression and Violence. Shouting, hitting, destroying...

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In the spotlight

  • Mythbuster - Getting smart on crime with a holistic approach

    Crime is simply too complex for a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we should combine both prevention and repression in a holistic approach that balances both.
  • Mythbuster - Awareness-raising never hurts, does it?

    There is little evidence that awareness in and of itself is able to prompt behavioural change, and consequently, that it can contribute much to crime prevention.
  • Mythbuster - The fight against serious and organised crime: international cooperation or local approaches?

    Local preventionists and police officers, too, have important roles to play in the prevention of, and fight against, organised crime.