
Action for Youth

Action for Youth project is for young offenders and prisoners between 15-29 -years old. The objective is to reach clients and to engage them to receive the support that is provided by Action for Youth and other meaningful stakeholders. Project provides a safe and intoxicant free space community in which our clients are treated as equals and with respect. Most common activities are music, sports and creative arts. Which include methods such as wraparound support, peer support, intensive individual support and guidance.

Project provides support throughout imprisonment in forms of music production, individual and group support. The objective is to motivate, give tools for emotional support and allow freedom of expression in a positive manner.

The project is reliant on the cooperation between stakeholders and Action for Youth. Especially the cooperation between CSA that enables us to reach out to the clients.


The project started on 01 March 2016 and is running until the end of the year 2019 and funding for 2020 is applied.

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