
“Akademia Seniora”

Project "Akademia Seniora" co-financed by the National Bank of Poland, whose aim was to promote counteracting financial exclusion and shaping responsibility in making financial decisions, including managing the household budget and using financial services was carried out for 12 months. The intention of the originators of the project - Prevention Department of the Voivodship Police Headquarters in Bialystok was the dissemination of preventive activities, which will ultimately include seniors of the province. Podlasie. As part of the project, educational and information meetings were held, the participants of which were seniors of the province. Podlasie at the age of 50+. The priority thematic area of the "Akademia Seniora " project was the transfer of knowledge related to increasing the safety of older people by preventing financial fraud, proper personal budget management and careful planning of the financial future. As part of the project, a competition entitled "10 principles of Safe Senior" was announced among the participants of the project.


The "Senior Academy" project was implemented from December 2014 to December 2015.
The evaluation of the project took place in 2016-2017


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