An inter- and multidisciplinary approach of tackling domestic violence: European interactive training programme with phased entry plan and universal applicable scenario
The core of the project consists of a European manual for a successful multi-agency approach towards domestic violence. This manual with step-by-step phased entry plan gives local and regional administrations a practical hold to reform their existing approach to tackling domestic violence and convert that approach gradually into a multi-agency approach.
It is precisely this multi-agency approach which will bring success in tackling domestic violence efficiently. This manual is linked to an e-learning module and website, in order to help local co-ordinators to put the phased entry plan into practice.
As part of this European project a school project on respect in relationships has also been developed. Mood City is a serious game, which focuses on the importance of healthy relationships to prevent violence. The game is aimed at 14 and 15 year olds. In 7 lessons the youngsters consider healthy and unhealthy relationships, empowerment in daily conflicts, and acting responsibly with social media.
Dries Wyckmans, Province of Limburg
The project started in 2010 and is now finished.
Last review: October 2015