
BIG e.V. (Berliner Initiative gegen Gewalt an Frauen/Berlin Initiative against Violence against Women)

Every forth woman in Germany has experienced domestic violence at least once in her life. With our three institutions, BIG Coordination, BIG Prevention and the BIG Hotline we work at putting an end to that.

For professionals that deal with domestic violence: BIG Koordinierung/BIG Coordination
BIG Koordinierung examines, develops and optimizes strategies and establishes cooperations in order to improve the protection of women and their children from domestic violence and to hold perpetrators accountable.

For teachers/pedagogues and primary-school pupils: BIG Prävention/BIG Prevention
BIG Prävention offers preventive education programs on domestic violence for children and teens, their parents and all those working at schools

For persons affected and/or supporters: BIG Hotline
BIG Hotline is the first point of call for women experiencing domestic violence and/or their support network. It offers help, support, professional guidance and information 24/7 in over 50 languages, via telephone, chat or personally and anonymously, if requested.


The project started in 1995 and is still running.
Last review: September 2014.


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