



Boefproof is part of a national awareness campaign for prevention, called "Do not make it too easy". The name of this national campaign refers to making it less interesting for criminals to commit an actual crime. In Dutch "Boef" means criminal. The Boefproof campaign focuses on making mobile devices "criminal Proof" since mobile phones and portable computers were overrepresented when it comes to the loot of mugging and pick pocketing.

The Boefproof campaign started off in September 2014. It stimulates citizens to activate or install an anti-theft feature on a mobile device, thus making the device non-accessible by remote controle in case it gets stolen. As a result, the stolen device becomes worthless for thieves and impossible to sell. Also, thieves cannot access e-mail, photos, and confidential documents. This ensures that files, including photos, are secured.


The campaign is organised each year since September 2014.


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