Ciberexpert@, training minors in the safe use of the Internet
The Ciberexpert@ Programme, created by the National Police, was born to provide a better digital education to families in order to achieve greater protection for children.
The programme is developed through two axes:
- The website and where all the information and training material can be found.
- Awareness and training activities on the safe use of the Internet, by the delegates of Community Policing with the support of the Educational Community.
All students who have successfully taken the programme and passed the final knowledge test, are given the Ciberexpert@ card.
It is an innovative and ambitious project in the field of prevention, a service that the National Police provides with to citizens, focused on training, education and raising awareness among children in order to prevent and minimise the inherent risks in the daily use of the ICT’s.
The project started in September 2016 and is still running.