
Community policing in prevention, assistance and protection to women victims of gender-based violence

Community policing in prevention, assistance and protection to women victims of gender-based violence


According to the Organic Act 1/2004 on Comprehensive Protection Measures against Gender-based Violence, the government should establish special units in the police sphere, among others, to prevent gender violence and to monitor the enforcement of judicial measures.

To this end, in 2003 the Police units for the prevention, assistance and protection of battered women (UPAP) have been set up under the Unit for Citizens Participation and Programs, developing various programs and prevention campaigns for especially vulnerable groups. The UPAP are the police response to victims of gender-based violence, by means of expert and personal assistance.

In order to properly carry out these tasks of monitoring and protection UPAP officers are provided with technological instruments as, for instance, official mobiles assigned to the victims by the Area de Telecomunicación del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (ICT of the National Police Force) and other devices as Technological Proximity Detection System.

All activities of UPAP units have been developed in strict observance of the existing Instructions and Protocols that have been issued to this end. This is a key element for coordination and collaboration with judicial and social bodies involved in gender-base violence.


The project started in 2003 and is still running.
Last review: October 2017.