CPTED Manual for police officers
The main purpose of the CPTED manual is to compose a practical CPTED handbook specifically for police officers who are taking part in the planning processes, and also for other officials who are responsible for ensuring a safe living environment. The main target group is police officers, and the aim is to write a handbook that helps police officers to understand the main principles of CPTED and which gives them practical knowledge of how to be involved in planning processes. For other officials and key stakeholders the manual will provide an insight of how and when police officers should be involved in planning processes and what expertise knowledge police officers can give when it comes to planning.
You can find theguidelines in different languages here.
In relation to CPTED theme Estonian Police and Border Guard Board is participating in Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) project, which is a 3-year project (started 1 October 2018) funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme. Project will enable a preventative, evidence-based and sustainable approach to tackling high-impact petty crime.
The CCI project will be designing, developing and demonstrating 4 toolkits, in the areas of:
- Predictive policing,
- Community policing,
- Crime prevention through urban design and planning
- Measuring and mitigating citizens feelings of insecurity.
Estonian Police and Border Guard Board focus is on developing toolkit for the crime prevention through urban design and planning, which is a follow-up to CPTED project.
More information: https://www.cuttingcrimeimpact.eu/
Last review: January 2020.