Search - “I take the responsibility” online self-help material - “I take the responsibility” online self-help material is a free and easily accessible online self-help material for people who are worried about their sexual interest and/or online behavior regarding minors. The site offers guidance for those that are worried of one’s behaviour towards minors as well.

The material introduces a new and innovative approach to prevent online child sexual abuse by focusing on potential offenders and their motives, and by helping them to chance their own problematic thinking and behavior. The aim of the material is to prevent minors sexual exploitation by offering information and support for those who are concerned about themselves or someone else commiting sexual or otherwise harmul action towards minors.

The project is (co-)funded by the Finnish Ministry of Justice and responds to the obligation of the European members states to take all actions to prevent child sexual abuse.

Several national and international partners and stakeholders have been involved in the project, of which convicted sexual offenders have had a significant role.

The media coverage around the project has been wide and the feedback has been very positive.


The Project started in May 2011 and is still running.
Last review: October 2017.