“Cyberbullying at schools”

Cyberbullying is a new problem. Virtual violence of teenagers towards their peers or teachers was developed alongside the rapid growth of the ICT. The problem especially affects adolescent people. Most of the teachers is helpless in the face of the problem. They do not have the skills and qualifications that would allow counteracting. Moreover - they can become the victims as well. Through a series of training sessions for a teachers our project equips people working with teenagers with necessary skills in order to be able to identify, prevent, and respond to cyberbullying. The training program focuses on the psycho-pedagogical, technological, and legal aspects of the phenomenon. During the implementation of the project we have extended its scope by other actions: activities carried out directly with students and parents, awareness publications and actions on Facebook and other media, as well as research aimed at assessing the incidence of the problem.
The Project started in August 2014 and is still running.
Last review: December 2015.