
Cyberprzemocowy Falochron

Cyberprzemocowy Falochron


The teachers responsible for the project created and conducted a survey on students’ awareness of online safety. They also did a questionnaire on the same topic provided by Centrum Edukacji i Kreacji Cyfrowej FABRYKA PRZYSZŁOŚCI. The supervisors of the project disclosed a set of classroom scripts concerning online safety to other teachers, who then conducted a number of classes on topics like: cyberbullying, sexting, copyright laws, exposure to fake or disturbing content, sexual and financial abuse, hate speech etc. During the following classes a set of rules concerning online safety was established together with the students; it was then approved by the headmaster and propagated among other pupils.

To raise their qualification, Mrs Wojnar-Konopka and Mr Mariusz Strecha took an elearning course on how to ensure students’ safety online and obtained congruent certificates.

Policemen and an IT specialist were invited to meet the secondary school students both in the school building and in the local police headquarters to further their knowledge of the threat they can encounter online. The students’ representatives who took part in the workshops were instructed to share their experience and newly gained knowledge with their peers during a form period.

Furthermore, a number of contests was launched:

  • „Mój głos przeciw agresji w Internecie” (“my voice against cyberbullying”) – for a literary work concerning broadly defined aggression spread by various media,
  • for a catchphrase condemning online hostility,
  • for a poster condemning online hate.

Cyberprzemocowy Falochron          Cyberprzemocowy Falochron          Cyberprzemocowy Falochron


The project ran from September 2016 till September 2017.
Last review: December 2017.


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