
Cyprus Police Campaign Against Domestic Violence

The project consists of a series of police actions against domestic violence. Most, but not all, actions are of an awareness and sensitization campaign nature. Some actions involve related to the issue research and publications. The project has been designed to run in parallel with the Council of Europe respective Campaign to Stop Domestic Violence Against Women, and it is the contribution of Cyprus Police to the National Campaign of Cyprus.

The project was initiated, designed and being implemented by the Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Office of Police Headquarters. Several actions have been realized in partnership with other police or non Agencies both of the Governmental and Non Governmental Sector.

At the national level this is the first time that such a lengthy, innovative, holistic, multi-agency, comprehensive, and partly with measurable outcomes action plan is being realized not only concerning the police, but generally. So far, the actions of the project have been very well received by Authorities, professionals, the media, and the public.

Some of the innovative elements of the project are listed below:

  1. Built in quantitative evaluation mechanisms
  2. Multi-Agency partnerships
  3. Cross-Training
  4. Targeted at prevention directly through reaching the general public and non police professionals, while simultaneously providing for better policing
  5. Parallel consideration not only to inform the public (victims) in order to increase reporting and criminal investigating of incidents, but also to scientifically study the reasons behind victim reluctance and/or retraction
  6. Targeted at two different levels: professionals and public at large
  7. All awareness campaign materials have been conceived and produced by police personnel and resources. Outside agencies have been commissioned only for final production
  8. Multi-lingual approach: Part of awareness material have been published in Greek, English and Turkish
  9. Utilization of informal non police and non authority awareness channels: Victim information booklets have been made available to the public not only at police stations and Department of Welfare premises, but also at selected maternity clinics and hairdressing salons


The project started in 2006 and is now finished.
Last review: October 2017


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