Danish Policy on Sexual crime
In Denmark, between 360 and 475 rapes are reported annually. In addition to this are the unreported figures. Annually, it is estimated that about 2600 more incidents of rape or attempted rape occur.
Sexual assault is considered a serious crime in Denmark and this is also reflected in the maximum penalties that are as high as 12 years imprisonment.
Rape is one of the most serious assaults that one can be subjected to and it carries significant consequences for those who fall victim to this, both regarding their health and quality of life in general. It is therefor of vital importance that there are prevention efforts in this area. Studies show that the majority of the woman who report a rape are between the ages of 11 to 24 and that the perpetrators are between 15 and 24.
Therefor, the Crime Prevention council have launched a project directed at victims in this age bracket with the purpose of reducing the number of victims by, on the basis of collected information about internationally promising preventative efforts, developing the most promising programme for a Danish context.
If you have been the victim of rape, you can seek help at the closest Center for Rape Victims, where you can receive a medical exam and follow-up treatment in the shape of sessions with the center's psychologist and the social worker.
The government has established a knowledge center for social efforts regarding violence against and sexual assaults on children, providing free counseling for professionals regarding how to handle cases involving violence towards and sexual assaults on children.
Contact details:
The Danish Ministry of Justice: jm@jm.dk / http://www.justitsministeriet.dk/english.html
The National Police Commissioner: rpch@politi.dk / http://www.politi.dk/en/servicemenu/home/
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration: sm@sm.dk / http://english.sm.dk/Sider/Velkommen.aspx
The Ministry of Gender Equality: lige@lige.dk / http://uk.lige.dk/
The Danish Crime Prevention Council: dkr@dkr.dk