Estonian Neighbourhood Watch Association (ENWA)
The aim of neighourhood watch (NHW) is to prevent crime and vandalism within the neighbourhood involving the community members, local government, police and other interested parties into the action.
The first condition of starting with neighbourhood watch in one district is that people should realize that they need and they want to participate in this movement. If the initiative comes from police or the ENHWA, then probably they start with NHW but the activity might be not so effective. So if there is initiative inside one area then it is important that they will receive adequate information about NHW. Usually the people organize a meeting and the representative of the ENHWA (with police if possible) comes to introduce the possibilities of NHW. Then people can decide – is this what they need and do they want to participate in NHW.
If they want to start with NHW, the first step will be gathering the data of participants of NHW – name, address, e-mail, telephone number(s), car number and colour. Each participant confirms with his/her signature that they agree with using this data in the NHW activities. So after the meeting there is enough time for everybody to sign in to the NHW sector if they have the interest. Of course, later it is also possible to sign in or sign out. Later this data will be updated at least once a year but usually after every new member joins or when somebody leaves the NHW sector.
The members of NHW sector choose a leader who will represent them in the co-operation agreement, in NHW meetings and will be a contact person for other institutions. One obligation of NHW sector leader is also to update the data of NHW members.
Project leader: Mrs Tiina Ristmäe
The project started in 2000 and is now finished.
Last review: January 2020.