
EU-project Domestic Burglary

EU Project Domestic Burglary


The project ran for 15 months in which the goals were to raise awareness concerning domestic burglary, to increase the exchange of expertise and good practices between the member states, to monitor recent trends and developments and to produce an action plan that can serve as an inspiration to the other member states. Ultimately the project wants to prevent and diminish domestic burglaries at the European Union. In order to develop a widely supported action plan, 5 methodologies were used. There were 4 advisory boards, 2 focus groups, 21 terrain visits, 1 cost-benefit analyses, 1 world Café with over 70 participants and one conference with over 200 participants. During these methodologies, ideas and suggestions from researchers, experts and practitioners of the field were gathered. These were then incorporated in the action plan.

The analysis of the different methodologies and the complete action plan were distributed via a printed guide and through a newly created website. More information about this project, its methodologies and the action plan can be found on te website. The guide can be uploaded here..


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