EUCPN Multiannual Strategy 2021-2025
The crime prevention field is and remains a complex field to navigate. The European Crime Prevention Network has gathered a wealth of information and made this available to policy makers and practitioners alike. The EUCPN aims to be the most accessible network possible in leading evidence-based crime prevention and acting as facilitator of best practices at the European, national and local level.
The multiannual strategy provides the overarching framework for ensuring, first, that the EUCPN’s work reflects the needs of the crime prevention field. This part contains one strategic goal and four operational goals to accomplish this. Secondly, the strategy will ensure that the EUCPN’s activities are supported by an efficient internal structure that adopts a proactive approach to planning, promotes appropriate and efficient working practices, and ensures that core processes are optimised. Four areas of improvement have been
identified to improve the internal functioning.
Adopted by EUCPN Board on 2 December 2020