
Finland: Revion Rehabilitation Programme

Second place

ECPA 2024

The prevention of reoffending

Second place

The Revion project aimed to prevent recidivism among neurodivergent prisoners (ADHD, autism) convicted of violent and sexual offences, address factors predisposing individuals to criminal behaviour and strengthen their ability to reintegrate into society. The project developed and piloted in-person and tele rehabilitation provided to this target group during imprisonment while enhancing the authorities’ ability to recognise and respond to this group’s needs within the prison service system.

The Jury awards the Finish project ‘Revion Rehabilitation Programme’ second place. They specifically praised the important focus on the target group that is over-represented in prison facilities, yet often overlooked. Additionally, the scientific base of the project as well as the work to improve professionals’ knowledge was deemed relevant for all European member states. The Jury did debate whether replication will be as feasible in countries lacking similar foundations.

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  1. Problem analysis and ojectives 4
  2. Prevention framework 5
  3. Outcome evaluation 2
  4. Information on context and implementation 4
  1. targeted recidivism prevention programme with an outstanding evidence-based design
  2. preliminary evidence supports its effectiveness
  1. process evaluation would benefit from more systematic reporting on more process indicators
  2. more rigid evaluation of the outcomes (with a least a control group), and an evaluation report published in English would be highly beneficial