



HopeNow works with the aim to provide holistic, empowering and human rights based assistance to trafficked people. We work daily and at a direct level with trafficked men and women; identifying trafficked people through outreach work in prisons, the asylum system, on the street etc.; teach and raise awareness of trafficking through lectures and events in all of Denmark; provide free legal aid; free therapeutic work; provide teaching and social activities for trafficked men and women; lobby and advocacy work to ensure and strengthen the rights and protection of trafficked people’s rights; provides support for rehabilitation/reintegration in country of origin or Europe; medical support and referrals; bridge building between trafficked people and Danish authorities (police, CmM, Immigration etc.) HopeNow is mentioned as a non-governmental cooperation partner under the Danish national action plan to combat human trafficking 2011-2014 and consultant to the Danish Center against Trafficking.


The project started in 2007 and is still running.
Last review: September 2017.


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