Hungary: Roll again!
"Roll Again!" program initiates the reintegration process as soon as inmates are admitted. A reintegration working group developed steps that begin with assessing inmates' competencies, identifying areas for improvement, and creating personalized development plans. The University of Szeged developed the assessment tool, which focuses on personality development, vocational training, and trauma processing. The goal is to enhance emotional intelligence, problem-solving, communication, and empathy while fostering a vision for the future.
A solution-focused approach coordinates both individual and group development for inmates and staff. Rather than dwelling on problems, this method emphasizes positive outcomes, making the reintegration process more effective. It also helps rebuild family relationships, including through "reentry circles" with family members and the supportive community to aid in the reintegration journey.
The Jury deemed the Hungarian project ‘Roll again’, holistic and complex, involving various actions. They applauded the fact that re-integration efforts commence at the start of the sentence. Likewise, the inclusion of various relevant stakeholders was considered a strength. Nevertheless, the Jury questioned whether these local partners also remain involved after release. More information on contextual factors of the programme could facilitate its implementation in other member states.
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- Problem analysis and ojectives 3
- Prevention framework 4
- Information on context and implementation 3
- firmly based on a problem and needs analysis
- logic model and justification are up to standard
- a controlled study is required to substantiate the outcomes
- a comprehensive and better-documented process evaluation would enhance transferability