
Intact Family family camps

Intact Family activity has built a family camp model that has proved to be an effective support for the family and close relationships of those serving a prison term. The family camps are closely linked with the competition theme, and the participants have been prisoners whose background has included organised crime committed by family-based or clan-like criminal groups. The content of camp activity, built with a planned and goal-oriented work approach, is unique both in Finland and abroad. By supporting intimate relationships, we strive to prevent repeat offending by attaching sentenced prisoners to crime-free family life and, through this, to society. Open discussion of parenthood also helps prisoners to consider the circle of over-generational criminal behaviour and intoxicant abuse, and breaking free from it. The methods applied at the camp enable the learning of new action models among both individuals and whole families. During the camps, a confidential discussion link is formed between participants and counsellors. This
serves as an intensive and memorable intervention in the clients’ life situation and binds families to continue using services once released.


The project started on 01/04/2014 and is still running.

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