Lithuanian Policy on Vehicle crime
Vehicle crime was quite significant problem in Lithuania during years 1999-2004. Since that period a number of crimes have been constantly decreasing.
The policy aimed to tackle the problem has been described in two national specialized programmes which were launched to better the situation of crime control. The first one was prepared and adopted by the Government in 1996. The second Complex Programme on Prevention and Control of Thefts of Motor Vehicle for 2005-2007 was adopted in 2005. These programmes combined many legislative, organizational, technical measures. General aims of the programmes have been reached and the situation on car thefts control has been improved.
Although the mentioned programmes were accomplished, vehicle related property crime remains in the scope of special attention of law enforcement as part of the priority field described in the National Crime Prevention and Control Program, adopted by the Parliament in 2003. This program sets strategic provisions on prevention and control of property crime.
Contact details:
National Organisation:
The Association of Lithuanian automobilists -
Lithuanian autoentrepreneurs association -
State Road Transport Inspectorate under the Ministry of Transport and Communications