
Parents Together – The Parental Role in the Prevention of Domestic Violence

In 2004 an inter- and multidisciplinary cooperative was started up in the province of Limburg between the police, justice and assistance services about domestic violence. Since 2006 domestic violence is treated in a uniform manner, with a very good result. Victims, perpetrators and (ex-) couples are being referred to assistance services much faster, which leads to fewer escalation and recurrence.

In order to give young parents a head start, the campaign ‘PREGNANT TOGETHER, PARENTS TOGETHER’ was elaborated. Central is a unique brochure with information and practical advice from and for young parents on all sorts of difficult moments during the pregnancy and the first, often hectic, baby months.

  • Objectives of the Limburg approach of domestic violence:
  1. A more efficient and effective, but also integral and integrated approach of domestic violence, on the preventive, curative and repressive level
  2. A close cooperation of police, justice and assistance, by means of an inter-departmental scenario and a better knowledge of each other’s functioning
  3. A sound regional approach of domestic violence
  • Objective ‘PARENTS TOGETHER’: sensitize and support parents directly or indirectly in order to prevent or break through domestic violence
  1. Provide young parents with approachable information and advice from other young parents on the difficult moments during the pregnancy and the parenthood and refer them to the appropriate assistance
  2. Sensitize and inform victims of violence during and after the pregnancy on the assistance possibilities and give them a number of security advices
  3. Sensitize health professionals, namely midwifes, general practitioners and gynecologists, on domestic violence during and after the pregnancy
  4. Provide health professionals with guidelines to learn to recognize, guide and adequately refer victims


The project started in 2004 and is now finished.
Last review: October 2015.


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