
Poland: National Partnership for the Development of Social Rehabilitation Centres

The programme implemented by the centre is an inclusive model, combining a therapeutic approach with a rehabilitation and education approach.

STEP I - Support groups
Participants receive comprehensive support starting already during their time in prison.

STEP II - Readaptation centre 
Those who qualify for the programme enter the group of Residents of the home.

STEP III - Postrehabilitation stage 
The aim is to support ex-prisoners in preparing for independent living and not returning to crime.

The Polish national partnership for creating social rehabilitation centres (SOR) as a model for deinstitutionalisation of social services for people in conflict with the criminal law, was deemed complex and scientifically grounded by the Jury. They commended its aim for systematic change as well as the regional cooperation structure of the project. Yet, the Jury debated whether the projects complexity decreases the level of replicability, stating that many prison services in other member states might not have the resources or knowledge to their availability. Finally, it was stated that while the application mentions the struggle to find a job, the project only offers help with applications instead of the wider search. The Jury suggested this could be a potential extension for the future.

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  1. Problem analysis and ojectives 4
  2. Prevention framework 3
  3. Information on context and implementation 2
  1. good project design
  2. extensive and relevant stakeholder involvement
  1. a methodologically sound and better documented outcome evaluation is needed to substantiate the outcomes
  2. more information on contextual determinants would be beneficial for transferability