
Policy paper - Individual Fraud


 In order to tackle and prevent individual fraud, a clear policy is needed.



This policy paper was written in tandem with the toolbox ‘preventing individual fraud’ and focusses on the main theme of the Bulgarian Presidency: fraud with a special focus on phone scams. As fraud covers a whole range of topics, we decided to narrow down our focus to individual fraud. This entails frauds committed against individuals by individuals or criminal organisations. Increasingly, this type of fraud has become profitable and a cross-border enterprise, some scholars even call these offenders ‘scampreneurs’. Consequently, this type of crime deserves an EU-wide approach.

This policy paper first looks at the existing EU policy on fraud. In this chapter, we argue that there is an evolution to be detected, nevertheless there is still room for improvement. In the second chapter, we formulate recommendations for the EU policy on individual fraud.


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