
Portuguese Policy on Trafficking in human Beings

In 2013, Portugal adopted its 3rd Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Trafficking in Human Beings (2014-2017).

The 3rd National Plan fits within the commitments accepted by Portugal before different international authorities, in particular within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union and the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries.

The 3rd National Action Plan has a total of 53 measures and it is focused on 5 main strategic areas:

  1. Prevention, Awareness-raising, Acknowledgement and Investigation;
  2. Education, Training and Qualification;
  3. Protection, Intervention and Capacity building;
  4. Criminal Investigation;
  5. Cooperation.

To know more on this and previous Plans as well as mid-terms and final evaluation reports, please go to: 

Policy supplement

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