
Prevention and Awareness Raising Activities of the Cyber Crime Division of the Hellenic Police

In particular, the Hellenic Police Cyber Crime Division has undertaken the following concrete actions in order to raise awareness for different types of cybercrime, dangers and internet safety among citizens, businesses, public sector institutions and Academia:

  • Informative lectures and workshops are delivered to citizens, businesses, public sector and academic institutions.
  • Teleconferences are handled in order to inform pupils (6-17 years old) about internet safety, possible dangers and several types of internet crimes. The content of the teleconference is based on the age of the attendees.
  • Study visits at the Cyber Crime Division Headquarters are held for pupils and students in order to inform them about the structure and function of the Division.
  • 5 international conferences on Internet Safety were organized in order to celebrate the Safer Internet Day. During the conferences presentations by distinguished experts and scientists were handled on issues related to the future development of Internet issues, the legislation applicable in the field of cybercrime, possible threats and dangers. The minutes of the five conferences were published in printed and electronic form, in order to enable all citizens to be aware about their outcomes.
  • Additionally, two conferences for people with special needs and their inclusion in the digital environment was organized. All the conferences were transmitted over the Internet, through live-streaming, from the website of the Hellenic Police.
  • Informative leaflets are published for different types of cyber crimes and dangers: Cyberbullying, Social media, Child Sexual Exploitation, Internet frauds, Security of information and espionage, Legal Framework, The future of the Internet, Statistics, Internet safety etc.
  • 3 TV and 3 radio spots were produced about children’s safety on the web, cyberbullying and children seduction through chat rooms and types of Internet crimes. The spots were broadcasted through national channels and the Internet as social messages without charge. (they can be found in the Hellenic Police Webpage)
  • An informative website was created in order to inform parents and children about the internet safety. Except this, children can find many educative games and play online in a secure environment. Additionally, a Facebook page named “Cyberkid” is used in order to inform citizens on daily basis about new threats and developments. Furthermore, an innovative application for smartphones and tablets (“CYBERKID”) was created in order to inform citizens on daily basis about new threats and measures of protection.
  • A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with the National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce in order to promote and coordinate actions in favor of fair organized trade and consumers. In this scope, the website, the Facebook page CYBER ALERT, a Twitter account named “@CyberAlertGR” and the application Feelsafe were created.

Both the above mentioned applications allow citizens to directly contact the Hellenic Cyber Crime Division, in case of emergency by using only one “red” button. After that a concrete process named “Cyberalert saves lives” is followed in order to provide help to the person in danger. The applications are available without charge on Android Market, App Store and Windows Store.


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