Prevention of domestic violence in the City of Brno – An interdisciplinary approach
The project aims to provide short-term immediate support to domestic violence victims, medium-term change of practice and long-term enhancement of prevention and general public awareness.
More precisely, it presents a complete system of preventive information and instruction how to monitor and distinguish first symptoms of domestic violence and how to deal with them in all age categories (children, teenagers, parents and grandparents). In order to provide additional information for those who have already become the victim of domestic violence, the project also provides a complex information system, including all possible contacts to protective and care institutions.
Each year the activities have been modified or remodelled in order to keep focus on actual priorities. Currently, the project continues to enhance the extensive media campaign as other audio and video spots are being prepared and the number of involved media partners is growing (local, regional as well as national partnerships, special LCD monitors in medical and education facilities, large-scale LCD screens in public spaces).
Mgr. Pavla Tichá, Crime prevention manager
The Regional Authority of the South Moravian Region
The project started in 2006 and is still running.
Last review: January 2020