Resistance / Defensibility of children
The project is aimed at 11-12 year old children in the city of Hasselt. The main objective is to raise the children's resistance/defensibility in terms of possible sexual and mental abuse, and their awareness of their right to physical integrity.
The project consists of training sessions in primary schools, working with groups of up to 15 students engaged in circle conversations. The personal teachers of the students are not involved in order to guarantee a real freedom of speech and sense of security for the children.
If any child has been victim of sexual abuse, the goal is to stimulate the child to talk, to look for help and to avoid new victimisation. Where the children are not victims, the goal is to avoid victimisation through an increase of their resistance/defensibility.
Mrs. Ann CLAES Hasselt -
The project started in 2003 and is still running.
Last review: October 2015