
Romania: The prevention campaign “Prison is not only behind bars!"

ECPa medal bronze  ECPA 2023 (preventing trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation and other kinds of exploitation)
  Third place



In order to raise awareness regarding the threats of trafficking in persons and the role of the demand among the general public and the potential users of services provided by the victims of trafficking, ANITP carried out between July and December 2022 the national information campaign “Prison is not only behind bars!”, within the ISFP 2019-AG-THB ”Further Enhancing the Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings by Focusing on Prevention, Cooperation and Recovery of Crime Proceeds – WESTEROS 2” project, co-financed by the European Commission.
The campaign aimed at raising public awareness of the role of demand in the mechanism of trafficking in persons, in order to discourage the use of sexual services and cheap labour, that may be provided by exploited persons. Thus, the main goal was to change perceptions, attitudes and prejudices regarding victims of human trafficking and especially regarding the demand for services that keeps alive this criminal phenomenon.

The project is no longer running.

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