“Safe senior”, thematic chapter: “Safe senior in a safe home”
Sense of own security at home, work or on the street is very important not only for the young and active population, but above all for the lonely people, mature age and not fully able-bodied. Nowadays, despite the high penalties, the offender would not give up getting to the apartment, which not infrequently is the centre of attention. As The West Pomeranian Police Department we decided to treat the problem comprehensively and read in the program with the issues of security, both internal and external, and learn how to cope in emergency situations.
Project "Safe Senior" and thereby its main theme "Safe senior in a safe house" was implemented in the third quarter of 2009. Initially, participants in the meetings with officers were pensioners of Polish Association of Pensioners and the Disabled, as well as supporters of the club Jantar. Subsequently The policeman of The Department of Prevention in Szczecin has established cooperation with key partner The Association of Third Age University in Szczecin and other institutions supporting the project.
Once a week, police in cooperation with representatives of the invited institutions, conducted a meeting with senior citizens in carrying out thematic issues related to the hazards of life and health in the immediate vicinity. The meetings were both of a lecture as and workshops in the subgroups. The participants had not only an excellent opportunity to learn the rules of safety, but also tell about their experiences and experiences related to the threats. Interactive workshops mobilized a group to think and solve exercises. The meetings were conducted by experts of the problem / topic: psychologists, police officers, bankers, postal workers, etc.
During a press conference, one of the elements of the program was to award the participants of the project by pocket-sized personal alarms, which discourage potential attackers by a sound alarm. Another surprise was a scene in which an old lady was robbed by stealing a bag. The spots of the demonstration was emitted on air in the show broadcast of Polish Television Szczecin and nationwide program TELEEXPRES. The whole idea met with a good feedback of journalists who decided to take part in the show. This day in media belonged to the "Safe Seniors".
Project objectives have been achieved. This is evidenced by a survey showing that by taking part in the project participants improved their theoretical knowledge of the risks - at 5,71 points, and all of its recipients (100%) - declared their willingness to participate in similar activities in the future.
Lt. Anna Sikora
Prevention Department
VPH in Szczecin
The project started in 2009 and is still running.
Last review: January 2015.