
Spain: National Action Plan Against Labour Exploitation. 2021

In short, the Action Plan constitutes an instrument to unite the efforts of those involved in the fight against forced labour in Spain; it proposes the establishment of new methods and channels of action, making special reference to the need to strengthen collaboration and coordination between Public Administrations, Institutions and Civil Society.

For the elaboration of this Plan of Action, the then Ministry of Labor, Migrations and Social Security, created a working group with representatives of the Ministries of the Interior, Justice, the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Equality, Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Education and Vocational Training and Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, as well as with representatives of the Prosecutor's Office General of the State and of the General Council of the Judiciary.

Finally, The Action Plan contains forty-one actions, structured into thirteen objectives grouped into five areas of action, following the scheme provided for in the Protocol and the ILO Recommendation.

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