
Student Intervention Points (SIPs)

Perceiving the need for cooperation between various institutions and organizations towards helping the victims of violence and towards enhancing the present support offer directed at such victims, it has been decided to establish in police stations across the city of Białystok Student Intervention Points (SIPs) for victims of family violence and minor members of families threatened by social pathology.

The SIPs are operated by students of law, pedagogy and resocialization of local Universities. Apart from knowledge gained at the Universities, the students undergo a professional training to develop their skills of dealing with violence victims.

The aim of such Intervention Points is two-fold. On the one hand, students give practical and legal advice to victims of violence-related crimes and on the other, they establish closer contact with these victims in order to actively support them, as well as other members of their families, by indicating potential sources of help.

Students participate in the SIPs as in an internship, on the basis of agreements signed between the Police and local Universities.

The project expanded to include the following activities - Forms of project execution in stage 3 - training:
    - joint patrols students from district constables
    - joint patrols of the municipal guards with students
    - prevention workshops in custody in Suwalki
    - prevention workshops in a psychiatric hospital
    - workshops in the dormitory


The project started in 2001 and is still running.
Last review: November 2015.


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