Sweden: "The Initiative TICKAN and the Phase model” and "Unlawful Influence"
ECPA 2020 (family-based crime) - Third place
The multi-agency initiative TICKAN, designed to counter a family-based criminal network, is based on working in line with the Phase model. In phase 1 (ca. 2015–2016) the police took a visibly repressive approach. In phase 2 (ca. 2016–2017) the focus was on location-based work and dialogue with the family network. Five knowledge-based methods were implemented. In phase 3, in 2017, the TICKAN initiative was launched to counter the family-based network, while work in phases 1 and 2 continued. All the different tools of the participating agencies to tackle hidden criminality in the local police district were used.
The work of the police was targeted at the network and cases were handled rapidly to reduce the risk of witnesses and plaintiffs withdrawing from the legal process. Other actors also stepped up their efforts to tackle the network. Social services, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, the Swedish Tax Agency, the emergency services, and others, contributed their tools, for example. The City launched a special initiative against unlawful influence.
The long-term multi-agency initiative is still in progress. It is headed by the local police district in partnership with agencies at regional and national level and the City of Gothenburg.
The project started in May 2015 and is still running.