
Territorial network of proximity for the prevention of environmental and public health crime

Proximity territorial plan of 210 gendarmes (minimum) trained in tackling the issue of preventing environment and the public health criminality and whose purpose is to : advise their colleagues, inform the local representatives, raise awareness of youth in schools or heads of companies, develop partnerships with other public actors as well as with approved associations in the protection of the environment.

Short, medium, and long term objectives of the project

  1. to have internally trained gendarmes specialised in this area of prevention, then to increase their colleagues' awareness about these issues ; to refine the doctrine ;
  2. to firmly focus the preventing action toward : local representatives, companies, schools, approved associations and other relevant public actors;
  3. to go over the plan, with regard to the legal changes and the stated contentious in this domain, in order to perfect the training of the gendarmes and to adapt the plan if necessary.



The trained gendarmes provide their know-how with teaching aids for the benefit of:

  • other gendarmes during training sessions or when giving technical support on investigations ; during these sessions, operational advice concerning CBNR threats (chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological) are also frequently provided.
  • local representatives mainly during the meetings of the counsel for prevention of juvenile delinquency, chaired by the mayors ;
  • youth in schools or even universities ;
  • companies whose business is considered sensitive for the environment ;
  • some serious associations of citizens ;
  • a number of socially disadvantaged populations in order to raise their awareness.

Furthermore, they cooperate with the approved associations in the protection of the environment as well as with other public partners (deconcentrated bodies of the ministries of ecology, agriculture and fisheries, or health mainly) or private ones. They are integrated as needed in local working or discussion groups. They may advise their chiefs and their judicial or administrative authorities owing to their technical knowledge. Finally, they constitute a watch network aiming at detecting the emerging threats (CBNR included).

However, they do not devote themselves only to this prevention mission, continuing to fulfill their standard gendarmerie missions but keep the appropriate and necessary time for it depending upon the priorities assigned by their superiors and, of course, the daily events.


French national gendarmerie: DGGN/SOE/SDPJ
Bureau de la police judiciaire, Section Délinquance et Criminalité Organisée


The project started in 1994 and is still running.
Last review: September 2015.


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