
The Family assistance unit as an Expert team on providing assistance to the victims of domestic violence

The Family assistance unit as an Expert team on providing assistance to the victims of domestic violence


In 2004 the legislator provided a legal framework to strengthen specific provisions in the field of domestic violence and which is based on a comprehensive and multidisciplinary protection of ill-treated women, including all fields: prevention, education, social, labour, health care, assistance, security and guaranteeing victim’s rights.

This also helped the Family assistance units (SAF teams) to develop and to improve their scope of duties. These units are deployed throughout the national territory. They are a comprehensive police service that is working 24 hours a day. They provide a special expert and tailored assistance to domestic and gender violence victims. Special attention is given to the most vulnerable groups (women, minors, disabled and elderly people).

On the one hand, these units carry out operational activities concerning investigation and prosecution of crimes committed within the family environment. On the other hand, assistance activities are carried out as well and there is coordination with other institutions to respond comprehensively to the problem and provide advice, transfer, follow-up and protection of these victims.




The project started in 1980 and is still running.
Last review: October 2017.