The Integrated Domestic Violence Programme in Malmö
The Malmö Integrated Domestic Violence Programme is a large-scale collaborative project run primarily by the local authority, the police authority and the healthcare sector.
The Integrated Domestic Violence Programme has been designed on the basis of a concrete picture of what a woman needs when she has been subjected to assault. Women who have been the victims of assault need treatment for their injuries (from the healthcare sector), they need to report the assault (to the police) and they need support in the form of counselling (provided by the local authority) to enable them to break off the abusive relationship. The programme emphasises that men’s violence against women is an important social problem and that measures must be focused on all of the parties involved (women, children and men) in order to achieve the required results.
Margot Olsson,
The project started in 2007 and is now part of a permanent activity.
Last review: October 2017.