Valenciennes scheme against domestic violence
Until 2006, the fight against domestic violence in the area of Valenciennes was hampered by the lack of coordination between stakeholders and a high rate of serious and repetitive acts of violence.
This scheme brings together institutions and associations operating in the district of Valenciennes in order to accompany victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, based on a pathway logic. Three types of actions are implemented:
- Support to victims and emergency care until they can regain their autonomy
- Attending perpetrators who join the scheme either voluntarily or by judicial mandate
- Coordination, evaluation and observation of the Valenciennes Observatory on Domestic Violence
The scheme is based on the collective work of its members and on partnerships, which consists of professionals and volunteers. It implements prevention on three levels:
- By offering schools awareness days on the topic of violence in love relationships and on gender equality
- By offering early treatment of marital problems through an information campaign on family matters and marital counselling
- By protecting victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, and working on their social and professional reintegration (material support, emergency accommodations, training in marital relations, support groups for adults and children, fast social investigation, judicial control and judicial mediation)
Jean-Philippe FERRO - Référent départemental violences conjugales
The project started in 2006 and is still running.
Last review: September 2015.