
Veiligezorg (Safe Care)

Veiligezorg is a project aimed at preventing aggression through joint efforts with the police. The project started at the Westfries Gasthuis in Hoorn and has since expanded into an integrated approach to aggression. All hospitals in the Netherlands as well as a number of other care institutions participate in the project. Veiligezorg teaches employees how to analyse problems in their departments and to design appropriate measures. The project also devotes much attention to cooperation with the police, municipal governments and the legal system. Veiligezorg has been implemented by Stichting Arbeidsmarkt Ziekenhuizen (StAZ) since 1 January 2005. StAZ is a collaboration of social partners in the hospital industry. Veiligezorg has won the European Good Practices Award in Safety and Health at Work among other awards.

As of 2020, a similar prevention project has been implemented for general practitioners, so the security policy for hospitals and general practice centres resembles each other.


Last review: March 2020

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