EUCPN Webinar: domestic violence and intimate partner homicide
Registration is closed
Against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, alarming reports also signalled a growing problem inside our European homes. While COVID-19 protection measures tried to lock out the virus, they also locked in many victims of domestic violence with their abusers. The Portuguese Presidency of our Network accurately recognised this aggravated situation, which is why our upcoming toolbox focuses on domestic violence and intimate partner homicides.
This webinar (and the relating toolbox) will highlight two specific aspects to practitioners and policymakers working in the field of domestic violence:
- The need for targeted and tailored approaches - domestic violence is often treated as a single phenomenon, yet we can identify different types.
- Perpetrator programmes - these programmes work with violent men and aim to raise the sense of responsibility and accountability for their behaviour. These programmes ensure the victim's safety by disrupting the current violence, but also help perpetrators change their violent behaviour.
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 28 September 2021 between 14:00 - 15:00 CET.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory. The access link will be sent prior to the webinar. The toolbox will be published after the webinar.