
29th German Prevention Congress

Cottbus, Germany
29th German Prevention Congress

The 29th German Prevention Congress will take place in Cottbus/Chóśebuz in Brandenburg, Germany, on 10th and 11th of June 2024.

The German Prevention Congress – DPT is one of the world’s largest annual conference on the topic of crime prevention and related prevention areas. Since 2007 the German Prevention Congress is hosting the Annual International Forum (AIF) to address the international audience. The aim of the AIF is to add a international perspective to the German Prevention Congress and to give the opportunity to share experiences in crime prevention on an international level. The programme of the 29th German Prevention Congress consists, among other things, of a large congress exhibition, a wide range of lectures and various side events.

Information about the venuecall for paperscongress registration, the partner organisations as well as the programme advisory board can be found on these websites.

Register now!