EUCPN Webinar: Introduction to Qualiprev

Evidence-based policy is the principle that policy is based on the best available evidence. Evidence informs us about what works and about the costs and benefits, both in the short and the long term, of public policy. It is created through experience and evaluations of prevention projects, programmes and policies. One of the main objectives of EUCPN is to act as platform for sharing best practices in crime prevention.
For the EUCPN, good practices that are worth promoting and sharing meet four criteria:
- There is a clear description of the crime problem(s) the activity wishes to address;
- There is a clear description of the way in which the intervention addresses the identified problem(s);
- There should be a robust and positive outcome evaluation, or strong indications of theoretical plausibility;
- There is sufficient information available about the nature of the intervention, its context, and the implementation of the activities to help practitioners replicate or innovate from it.
The tool we use to assess in an objective, transparent and methodical way whether and to what extent our four quality criteria are met is Qualiprev. Its assessment is based on all available information on a crime prevention initiative and any evaluations that may have been performed. The results allow decision-makers to see whether a crime prevention initiative is effective and whether it is relevant for them and applicable in their local or national context. Qualiprev is designed to be applicable to all crime prevention initiatives, irrespective of the type and scope of the action and whether or not they have been evaluated.
If you would like to find out more about the tool or learn how to use it, join us during this webinar!
Participation is free, but registration is mandatory.