The projects, one per Member State, submitted to compete in the ECPA, should focus on the prevention of reoffending . Please send the projects for the ECPA in English to the EUCPN...
The main objective of this project was to develop an approach for addressing the demand for THB that can be implemented by companies in the private sector.
Victim Support Finland (RIKU) produces a specialized service for victims of human trafficking, which is a low threshold service that reaches hundreds of victims of human...
KOBRAnet offers support for victims of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and for victims of violence in the name of “honour” within the Free State of Saxony.
Through educations, public appearances, round tables and other project activities, a higher level of knowledge about one's own rights and awareness of the functioning of the legal...
NERM was established in 2021 with the aim of creating a safety net and offering protection to the most vulnerable of Unaccompanied Children (UAC), those who are homeless or in...
The "I Stand Up for You/I Stand Up for Myself" project is a comprehensive, innovative and artistic program aimed at raising awareness and addressing a pressing issue within society...
This system allows the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior to ensure - as part of the activities to combat and prevent irregular immigration, the...
The Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Diaconia España is specialized in the fight against human trafficking. To combat this crime, the organization carries out, among others...