Every year the European Crime Prevention Network draws up a work programme that defines all the activities the Network is going to complete that year, in order to promote the...
The Latvian and Luxembourgisch presidencies had respectively chosen for secondary victimisation and cybercrime as there presidency theme. Read their full work programme here.
The Irish and Lithuanian presidencies undertook the following tasks and actions during their respective presidencies. Read the full Annual Report here.
The Belgian and Hungarian presidencies undertook the following tasks and actions during their respective presidencies. Read the full Annual Report here.
In 2012 the Board of the EUCPN agreed to measure the performance of the Network through an Impact Measurement. The results of 2012 are the so called baseline or ‘zero Measurement’...
In multiple Member States there are semi-independent crime prevention councils in place. Since the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) wants to be a platform for crime...