EUCPN toolbox: work-related crime Labour exploitation and work-related crime: a problem analysis and prevention framework
Drug trafficking through postal carriers (26 October 2023) Belgium Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
Conference: Working together for safe home (23-24 November 2023) Belgium Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
Befus Citizen participation in the evaluation of safety and prevention initiatives ( Belgium Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
2023 European Crime Prevention Award – Jury Meeting (15 November 2023) Spain Members-only Meetings of the Network 2023
CEPOL COP course (27-29 November 2023) European Union Croatia Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
CEPOL OPC course (14-15 November 2023) France European Union Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
2023 Spanish NEC meeting (27-28 October 2023) European Union Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
5th International conference: drug prevention and monitoring at the local level (25-28 October 2023) Poland Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
Joint meeting of the crime prevention councils of Hungary (26 September 2023) Hungary Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023
EMPACT HRCN fine tuning workshop (5-6 October 2023) European Union Members-only Meetings/events attended by us 2023