EUCPN toolbox: work-related crime Labour exploitation and work-related crime: a problem analysis and prevention framework
Crime Prevention in Prague 11 and Prague 12 It is a comprehensive project that links together the primary and secondary prevention of crime and socially undesirable phenomena in cooperation with the local self-administration... Czech Republic General crime prevention Youth crime Initiatives ECPA Youth Offenders 2010
The Ringsted Experiment (Ringstedforsøget) A randomized experiment aimed at reducing schoolchildren’s normative misperceptions about other children’s risk behaviour. Denmark Drugs/alcohol Youth crime Initiatives ECPA Youth Offenders 2006
Protect yourself against thieves This is the Danish ECPA entry for 2016. The theme was Prevention of crimes committed on elderly people. Denmark Pickpocketing Car theft Other OPC Fraud Initiatives ECPA Elderly Campaign Victims 2016