EUCPN toolbox: work-related crime Labour exploitation and work-related crime: a problem analysis and prevention framework
Web-constables The goal of the project is the presence of the police as a real person in places where also the community can be found. Estonia Cybercrime Initiatives ECPA ECPA winners Situation 2012
Society And Police! With Care And Warning! This is an additional Bulgarian ECPA entry for 2018, the theme was Community Policing. Bulgaria Community-oriented policing Initiatives Situation 2018
Not every train goes to Hollywood This is the Polish ECPA entry for 2014. The theme was Trafficking in Human Beings. Poland Sexual violence Trafficking in human beings Initiatives ECPA Campaign Training Victims 2014
Neighbourhood Watch in Multi-Family Dwellings The project’s primary objective has been to reduce crime in the residential neighbourhoods of Sörse and Andersberg. A second project objective has been to improve the residents’... Sweden Burglary Community-oriented policing Initiatives ECPA ECPA winners Situation 2012