
About Us

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The EUCPN is the European Crime Prevention Network. The Network aims to connect the local, national and European level and to promote crime prevention knowledge and practices among the EU Member States. 

The EUCPN was set up in 2001 by Council Decision (2001/427/JHA), which was replaced in 2009 (2009/902/JHA).

Our goals

  • The Network makes evidence-based information accessible
  • The Network improves the effectiveness of crime prevention activities within the EU
  • The Network, the Secretariat and the National Representatives are the point of reference for crime prevention in the EU
  • The Network contributes to the EU policy and strategy of crime prevention

Our target groups

  • practitioners and policymakers at local level
  • practitioners and policymakers at national level
  • relevant EU and international agencies, organisations, working groups, etc.

What we do

  • expand the EUCPN database (good practices, policy, research, ...)
  • develop crime prevention campaigns
  • research on crime prevention
  • deliver output: toolboxes, policy papers, newsletters, monitors, ...
  • represent the EUCPN externally and promote crime prevention
  • organise meetings and workshops with experts, stakeholders, Crime Prevention Councils, ...

Organisational structure

The EUCPN is headed by a Board of National Representatives, which consists of a Chair, an Executive Committee and the National Representatives. Each Member State can decide on one National Representative and one Substitute which they send to the meetings of the Network. They are responsible for the approval of the Network’s strategic approach, the realisation of the EUCPN Work Programme and the adoption of the Annual Report of the Network’s activities. They meet at least twice a year.

The Chair rotates every six months according to the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (see the order of rotation here) and is a Member from within the board itself. Together with the Chair, the Executive Committee prepares the strategy and decisions of the Network for approval by the Board.

Six Member States are represented in the Executive Committee: two National Representatives, selected by the Board for 18 months, and the National Representatives from the last, current and the next two Presidencies of the Council of the European Union. In addition, a representative of the European Commission is attending the Executive Committee and the Board Meetings as an observer.

The EUCPN Secretariat is based in Brussels. The task of the Secretariat is to provide general administrative, technical and analytical support to the Network and to represent the Network externally. It acts as a focal point for communication with the Network Members, identifies ongoing research activities in the field of crime prevention and other related information that would be of use to the Network. The Secretariat hosts the website and is also responsible for delivering systematic output on crime prevention (newsletters, toolboxes, recommendation papers, …). Through the Secretariat, the Network is collaborating with academic researchers and experts in the field bringing together scientific research, policymaking and (local) practice.


The EUCPN Secretariat is funded by the European Union (Internal Security Fund) through a grant. The current grant period runs from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026. The Consortium is composed of Belgium (Service Public Federal Interieur as coordinator), Italy (Ministero Dell'Interno), the Netherlands (Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid), Malta (Police Force) and Germany (Bundeskriminalamt). All activities are being implemented by the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) and the European Network on the Administrative Approach tackling serious and organised crime (ENAA).

This project aims to support the prevention workforce in tackling organised crime through evidence-based crime prevention and the administrative approach. To achieve this objective, the project will develop three toolkits: one focused on preventing recruitment, another on administrative approaches, and a third on evidence-based intervention design. These toolkits will comprise various products such as recommendation papers, best practices, and training materials tailored to our target audiences.